November 22, 2012

Sleeping spot

As every dog, Nero sleeps a lot. And I mean A LOT. He likes to sleep on our balcony, where he has his special couch, so he have the whole surrounding on his ears and eyes. If you wake him up on his sleeping spot, this is what you get. A lot of stretching and yawning, like he wants to say: "Leave me alone, cant you see I am sleeping?" 
When you wake him up, he wants cuddling. And if you don't cuddle him, he gives you this look. Sometimes he acts like he is the most poor dog on the world:)

November 20, 2012

This is Nero

Nero is a german shepherd dog, who lives a happy life with his family in Slovenia. He is almost 7 years old, but as you can see on the pictures in the photo gallery, he looks very young, if you don't look at the grey spots around his snout :) He is really good at posing and is an excellent model when I need to practice my photography skills. 
When he gets a new toy he is really happy and want to show it to everyone. But only show, he wont let you take it away. You can see him below with his new chicken toy.